Risk Management Training for Executive Management and Senior Managers

The National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA), is committed to managing risks to an acceptable level across all areas of its operations to achieve its objectives.

The Agency would like to undertake the risk management processes to understand the risks it faces and to manage and mitigate uncertainty to a tolerable level. The Agency recognizes that risk management is a necessary component of the management process and seek to incorporate it into the organization’s culture.

To effectively execute the risk management plan and align it with the organization’s strategy, operations, and culture, Executive Management and Senior Managers participated in a two-day Risk Management training on August 2nd and 3rd, 2024. The training was held at Red Zebra in Senga Bay, Salima.

The training aimed to:

  1. Equip Managers with the skills, knowledge, and tools to identify and assess risks that could negatively impact the organization.
  2. Foster a culture of vigilance towards potential risks within their specific roles or departments.
  3. Provide knowledge on strategies and techniques for assessing, prioritizing, and mitigating identified risks.
  4. Prepare individuals and teams to respond effectively to disasters or unexpected risk events, minimizing damage and disruption.
  5. Assist managers in establishing processes for ongoing risk monitoring and reporting, enabling timely responses to emerging risks.

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